Friday, January 31, 2014

Christ in me

           I love Bangladesh. I just got back from my refreshing trip to the States. Getting settled back into life in Bangladesh was quite an easier adjustment this time around. Maybe its that I can speak a bit of Bangla, maybe its the cooler weather, since its technically winter time its around 70 degrees out. Not to rub it in or anything ;-) Maybe its that this time around, I was not received by strangers but by friends, or maybe its that this time around I have a vision of what God’s plan for me is in this country.  
         But honestly, as I was walking down the dirty, traffic filled streets today I took a deep breath of that smelly Bangladesh air and I knew without a shadow of a doubt that Christ in me loves it here. Christ in me, tears up as He walks down the street and sees beggar after beggar with out stretched arms crying for money, for food, for Allah. Christ in me, has compassion for each and every child abandoned by their parents and left to fend for themselves. Christ in me, has unconditional love for every person in this Nation no matter how against Him they are.  Christ in me wants to give all of them life abundantly and Christ in me will do whatever it takes to see that His loved ones come back to Him. And as I have given more and more of myself over to Christ, His desires have become mine. And that is why its been easier this time around. I no longer try to love Bangladesh on my own, I am honest, I tell God straight forwardly that I can’t handle it, I give up, YOU have to do it. YOU have to love through me. And He does, and that is why I can be here and that is why I can love Bangladesh. 

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful tribute to the power of God in our lives, Erica. And a great way to begin a new year. Here's to those lights blinking on over there one by one.
