SORRY its been so long! I've been busy with school and Africa and orphans and making friends..getting sick then getting know the cycle. God is still good, still working, moving and active! I'm learning, growing, stretching, changing.
I do have a quick prayer request: Transportation for short termers at Flying Mission. We have 1 car right now, and 5 short termers but we are all involved in separate ministries. So whoever does not get the car for the day has to take combis and that could take up to 2 1/2 hours to get where you need to go! There are also some villages that are inaccessable by publilc transportation - if we want to get the gospel there we need to be there but to get there we need a car!! So if you could pray that God will provide for this need - that would be awesome! OR if God impresses you to help with meeting this need - that is even awesomer!
Serving God in Bangladesh and learning to love the adventure of obedience in walking by faith and not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009

Those of you who know my love for animals will laugh at this! My house is like the stray dog hang out place! There are about 5 regulars. Three in particular follow me wherever I walk to. Umtana, Omantletle, and Fruede all follow me to the combi stop nearly everyday. This may surprise most of you, but I actually really like it. My body guards: Umtana and Omantletle walking me to the combi stop (Fruede always walks in front of me so I couldn’t get them all in the pic).
Friday, while I was walking home, I heard my Setswana name (Malebogo) being shouted from far away - Tiva and Brandon, two of the kids in my Sunday school class had spotted me. The speed they ran at reminded me of Saiko and gave me nice big hugs! I invited them in for some juice before their long walk home from school.

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Combis rock!
Here is the combi stop I go to everyday. Combi’s are how most people get around here. As you can see they are the same size as our 15 passenger vans except these are capable of holding 19 – well maybe they are not made to, but they definitely do! Today, I actually thought I was going to fall out at one point because I was the 4th person in the row right next to the sliding door and the door was wide open while we were cruising 30 mph down the road! These drivers are wild awesome! A lot of people do not like combi’s because they do not feel safe what with all the crazy driving-shouting and crowded seats, but I personally LOVE combi’s and take them whenever I can. I love watching the creative ways they try to get where they are going faster and I love the fact that I am totally smooshed between strangers – laughing is really unavoidable at times.
Monday, March 2, 2009
God is good OH so good!

I don’t think I’ve introduced you to Golygonne (little bit)yet…the lizard who sleeps in my room! He is very shy so I usually just see him at night, but we are good friends.
I just want to say thank you for reading my blog! It is so encouraging when I see your comments and a good reminder that I have sisters and brothers in Christ who are going with me on this journey! If you have any questions about what I am doing, where I am living, what what what (a phrase they say here all the time kinda like blah blah blah) please ASK! This is the 1st blog I’ve ever done so I know I’m probably leaving out some important things, but I don’t know what. So your questions are very welcome, just right it in the comment place or shoot me an email.
I am going to need some mad prayer for this Sunday school thing I can tell you that one for sure! Although we split up the kids this morning older from younger, I still had 19 eight to eleven year olds with me! I prepared a lesson about Joseph but forgot the coat of many colors at home along with the lesson plans! OH it was bad! The kids got bored so easy and wanted to go to the lue (toilet) every 5 seconds! It doesn’t help that we are in a room that is so close to the main service that I have to talk loudly so the kids can hear me above the adults, and at the other end of the room is the smaller children who are going crazy as well…at one point I just stopped talking because nearly every kid was looking past me to the other side of the room, I turned around to see four small ones in a toddler pile up, one kid jumping over another’s back and no teacher in site! I laugh about it now, but at the time I was a bit panicked. And I had such a good plan too. I was very discouraged afterwards. But tonight I rode with my neighbor Raurau to church and on the way he blessed me with a word from God that spoke straight to my heart. First he spoke about how he was praying and fasting all of Feb for something he had been struggling with and how overcoming a struggle is not done easily with a one time, simple prayer…it takes work. And I really needed to hear that. Then he spoke about how God does not expect us to be perfect just available and try our best. God knows we are weak humans, and if you look at who He was friends with in the Bible – all of them messed up big time at some point. God does not expect perfection just honesty and effort. Oh wow – if that was the only word I received last night it would have been enough, but it didn’t end there. I was greatly encouraged by the sermon as well. I love worshiping with my African brothers and sisters!!! Although City Bible is a more conservative church, they still leave plenty of room for the spirit to move. I wish I could describe it in words, but…you’ll just have to come here and experience it for yourself!
The scripture for you is from pastor Les, who preached last night. John 10:10 “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” The enemy wants us broken and in despair, he loves when we dwell on our faults and weakness that we have. BUT God’s desire is that we have an abundant life. One that is full and bubbling over with the fruits of the spirit and touching everyone it is near. If that does not describe you…what needs to change so that it does?
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