January 28th
My roomate Ruth and I! Quite the pair - we can't cook and we can't sing, but we have a blast trying to do both!
So funny story: Ruth and I have been running in the morning, but yesterday we got a late start and so it was the same time as the children are walking to school. I had no idea what a show we were about to put on! Nearly every group of kids we past laughed out loud at us! It was hilarious! Some of them stopped walking, starred and then burst out laughing! I guess they do not see too many white girls running! As soon as we would calm down and stop laughing from the last group of kids, another group would come and start it all over again! It was so cute to hear their little laughs as we ran along. I have never laughed that hard while running before!
It is quite strange weather for Africa lately. Rain, and a lot of it! It is very obvious that people are not used to having rain because it doesn’t even have to pour hard before nearly every car has their 4 way flashers on and several cars are pulled off to the side! Heaven help these people if they ever had to encounter a Michigan blizzard!
These week is orientation at Flying Mission. All the new short and long term volunteers are being trained together. All together there are seven of us. Three new pilots, two pilot's wives, Sam who is a general short termer, and me! They are a fun group and I enjoy hearing their testimonies. Yesterday during orientation I heard some AMAZING testimonies of the Botswana employees at FM. I wish I taped it because there is no way I could convey to you with words what Lillian expressed with her smile as she told her salvation story. I'll give you a sum up: Here dad was a witch doctor ad their family held traditional practices of protection for the family cutting on the arms, neck and several other places. There were two Christian families in their village who were continually mocked for their faith and for simply being different, but Lilian thought they were brilliant, beautiful and to her these people "just shined." There was something in them that she wanted. "They just were shining so bright" (at this point Lilian's eyes and bright smile were radiating in the orientation room!) She snuck out of her house one night to go to a Christian service and accepted Christ while she was there. She went home and for the first time all the chaos of life, busy thoughts, and fears were gone - everything was different - she felt a peace. She says what had made the biggest impact on people is watching the way Christians live out their lives. This has transformed her family and Botswana.
John Lupe who is the founder of FM also told us some of his life story including the beginnings of FM! He left us with some inspiring advise taken from Exodus 4 when God was speaking to Moses about the giant plans that awaited him in freeing His people from Pharaoh. "Moses answered. "What if they do not believe me or listen to me and say, "The Lord did not appear to you?" Then the Lord said to him, "What is that in your hand?" John asked us the same question. "What is in your hand?" I just love that because It doesn't matter what it is…all Moses had was a stick and God used that to free a nation from slavery! Whatever gifts, abilities, talents, whatever you have - if it is surrendered to God, He can use it!
It is quite strange weather for Africa lately. Rain, and a lot of it! It is very obvious that people are not used to having rain because it doesn’t even have to pour hard before nearly every car has their 4 way flashers on and several cars are pulled off to the side! Heaven help these people if they ever had to encounter a Michigan blizzard!
These week is orientation at Flying Mission. All the new short and long term volunteers are being trained together. All together there are seven of us. Three new pilots, two pilot's wives, Sam who is a general short termer, and me! They are a fun group and I enjoy hearing their testimonies. Yesterday during orientation I heard some AMAZING testimonies of the Botswana employees at FM. I wish I taped it because there is no way I could convey to you with words what Lillian expressed with her smile as she told her salvation story. I'll give you a sum up: Here dad was a witch doctor ad their family held traditional practices of protection for the family cutting on the arms, neck and several other places. There were two Christian families in their village who were continually mocked for their faith and for simply being different, but Lilian thought they were brilliant, beautiful and to her these people "just shined." There was something in them that she wanted. "They just were shining so bright" (at this point Lilian's eyes and bright smile were radiating in the orientation room!) She snuck out of her house one night to go to a Christian service and accepted Christ while she was there. She went home and for the first time all the chaos of life, busy thoughts, and fears were gone - everything was different - she felt a peace. She says what had made the biggest impact on people is watching the way Christians live out their lives. This has transformed her family and Botswana.
John Lupe who is the founder of FM also told us some of his life story including the beginnings of FM! He left us with some inspiring advise taken from Exodus 4 when God was speaking to Moses about the giant plans that awaited him in freeing His people from Pharaoh. "Moses answered. "What if they do not believe me or listen to me and say, "The Lord did not appear to you?" Then the Lord said to him, "What is that in your hand?" John asked us the same question. "What is in your hand?" I just love that because It doesn't matter what it is…all Moses had was a stick and God used that to free a nation from slavery! Whatever gifts, abilities, talents, whatever you have - if it is surrendered to God, He can use it!